Bill Tai
Silicon Valley venture capitalist for over 30 years; involved in 22 IPO's during that time.
Among the first backers of Zoom Video Communications (NSDQ:ZM), Canva, Dapper Labs, Tweetdeck, and .
Founding Chairman of data science company Treasure Data (Softbank/ARM).
Has served on 8 public company boards.
Originally trained as a computer chip designer, Bill holds a BSEE Honors from the University of Illinois Champaign Urbana; and an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business.
Chief Financial Officer of Volaris Group, a division of Constellation Software (CSU:TSX)
Volaris Group acquires, strengthens, and grows vertical market software companies, enabling them to be clear leaders in their focused industries.
Over 20 years of experience in Finance, having served as CFO for multiple organizations.
Works closely with Volaris' legal and M&A team on all new acquisitions; and is an expert on every stage of the M&A process.
Brian is certified chartered accountant, and obtained his HBA in Economics and Finance from the University of Toronto.
Owais F. Qureshi, CFA
Director and Senior Portfolio Manager for the Canada Post Corporation Pension Fund.
He is a CFA charter holder and holds a Master of Finance degree from the Rotman School of Business.
Ben mulroney
Media Strategist with 20+ years of experience hosting & producing top-rated TV programs.
Development of strategic partnerships for both established & emerging brands.
Influential relationship builder to HNW individuals, corporate partners, media outlets, and other key decision makers.
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